Personal training

Our strength and conditioning coach, Karla, has been working with our students here at Warrior Evolution MMA in various ways to help them achieve their personal fitness goals; and now she can help you as well from the comfort of your own home. She is a certified personal trainer through the National Association of Sports Medicine since 2019 and Certified under the world renowned strength and conditioning coach and founder of Daru Strong method of athletic performance, Phil Daru, to offer the highest level of training for our students and her clients.

Coach Karla understands her students’ needs which is why she has dedicated herself to learn and create programs that are effective and eficient in time. She now offers a variety of options to help you get started on your goals.

Her services include one-on-one personal training, online and virtual coaching, and an online fitness program to help you regardless of where you are in the world.





This 8 week online training program is suitable for beginners and anyone who is looking to shred some unwanted fat with little to no equipment. The program was designed with simple and effective exercises for the entire body that can be performed at home, at the park, or any area where you have space to workout.

Become comfortable in your own skin.

Program includes:

  • 3 days of training per week.

  • Lifetime access to this program via PDF.

  • Access to coach Karla private youtube channel.

  • Instructional video library.

  • Accountability and motivation.

Don’t wait to get started on your goals. With my help and your discipline, results are just around the corner.



This program has been designed for people looking to increase their strength and cardiovascular health through proven scientific methods used by professional athletes in combat sports. Not only is this style of programming effective due to the variability of exercises within the program, it also incorporates all aspects of training like mobility, flexibility, strength, plyometrics, ballistics, and cardio to maintain your body healthy and strong all year round.

This 6 week- 3 day comprenhensive program provides detailed guidance on how to perform the program safely and efficiently so you can get the most benefit out of each session. For best results, this program recommends the use of weights.

Train Warrior-style and join us today!

Program includes:

  • 3 days of strength training per week.

  • Life time access to this program via PDF.

  • Cardiovascular training.

  • Mobility and flexibility.

  • Access to coach Karla private Youtube channel.

  • Instructional video library.

  • Free exercise adjustments as needed for the first 30 days.

  • Accountability and motivation.



Marcela Omaña

3 months ago

I have been training with Coach Karla for almost 2 years virtually and I had an opportunity to visit her last year and I trained some days, it´s was amaizing. My body and mind have changed, I feel better about myself. She makes a program specific to my needs and she is monotoring my progress. You should go with Karla.